"The Effects of Prior Experience on Generational Training Preferences" by Amy L. Baliva

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development



First Supervisor

Timothy Franz

Second Supervisor

Seth Silver

Third Supervisor

Richard DeJesus-Rueff


Due to the shortage of younger workers that organizations will face in years to come, it is important that organizations begin to examine ways to attract and retain them. One potential value that employers can provide to employees is programmatic career development and training that is tailored to their needs. One such way to tailor training is to acknowledge that different generations have different training needs, and hence alter training programs based on the generational needs of the participants. This paper explores the link between past generational experience and current learning preference. As a result, I suggest that companies tailor their training programs to the typical leaming preference of each generation to better improve training delivery.

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