"An Examination of the Effectiveness of Flexible Work Hours on Retainin" by Charlene R. Bevilacqua

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development



First Supervisor

Marilynn Butler

Second Supervisor

Seth Silver

Third Supervisor

David Baronov


Over the last 30 years, there has been a steady increase in the number of women in the workforce. The participation rate of women in the workforce has increased from 46% in 1975 to nearly 59% in 1996. It is projected that this number will continue to increase in the future. This increase has changed both the family and the workplace in a dramatic fashion. It has also prompted many researchers to advocate for the development and implementation of programs designed to support work and family within organizations. Some organizations have now begun to make improvements to their work/family programs. These improvements reflect the changing demographics and a workforce increasingly comprised of women with families. One of the most widely utilized work/family programs within organizations is flextime. Research suggests that the use of flextime programs in organizations can lead to improved recruitment, morale, public image, absenteeism and turnover. Through a review of related literature, this paper argues that the use of flextime programs in organizations is an effective retention tool for women with families in the workforce.

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