"Rochester Area Training Consortium for Security Personnel" by Michael E. McCarthy

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development



First Supervisor

Barbara Francis

Second Supervisor

Seth Silver

Third Supervisor

Marilynn Butler


The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility and effectiveness of a training consortium of area colleges and university security departments. This cooperative training effort will develop and train experienced security officers. The area security directors decided to attempt this consortium and initiated seven pilot training programs since June 2001. The seventh pilot program, the ..Active Shooter," was evaluated for effectiveness and learning. The results of the survey showed a high degree of satisfaction in the distribution of responses. The respondents to the survey also described self-reported learning. Some respondents reported transferring concepts from the "Active Shooter'' program into his or her every day security function. The literature review showed that various businesses use collaborative efforts with other business entities, colleges, and governmental agencies. Even though other security consortiums were not identified, other business models showed that organizational goals could be met with innovated thinking and collaborative efforts. The results of this study show that the consortium has high degree of satisfaction and that some security directors are willing to pursue this endeavor. A needs assessment was conducted with the security directors, which resulted in a list of 27 topics for training. The attendance also shows that some of the reluctant colleges will participate depending the training subject.

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