"Perceptions of Empowerment: A Qualitative Analysis" by Melendi Morton

Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

MS in Human Resource Development




This quantitative study investigated the relationships between perceptions of empowerment and position in a non-profit organization using three widely used empowerment instruments. This study also examined relationships that may or may not exist between the three instruments used in the survey. The primary goals of the study were to examine presumed, but untested, associations between perceptions of empowerment and position in the organization. This study was conducted based on extant data retrieved from a large blood collection organization that was obtained by a consultant in response to a management development effort. The sample in this study was 227 members of this blood collection organization; 20 account managers; 26 administrative personnel; 47 collection supervisors; 97 donor specialists; 21 mobile unit assistants; and 8 members of senior management.

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