"Key Works: Some Connections Between Journalism and Community" by Jack Rosenberry

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Book Chapter

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In lieu of an abstract, here is the chapter's first paragraph:

The literature of journalism and community is broad and deep, with roots in pioneering sociological investigations of how media institutions relate to the world around them. Two themes that run throughout that literature are (a) that the defining characteristic of community journalism is the intimacy that the organizations and the people who practice it share with the institutions and individuals they cover, especially as reflected in content selections, and (b) the interaction of community journalism organizations with the institutions and imperatives of the local community structure. Those themes pervade the historical key works reviewed in this chapter, which largely focused on community newspapers in their local geographic areas, as well as more contemporary investigations that include various forms of media and address community in ways that go beyond sheer geography.


Chapter published in Foundations of Community Journalism (2012), which is available through SAGE Publications, Inc.

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