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This is the second article in a two-part series on developing effective negotiation skills.

Negotiations are at the heart of our daily interactions. The ability to negotiate effectively may have never been so important as during the COVID pandemic. Whether re­negotiating business deals with vendors, landlords, employees or shareholders (including family members), the COVID pandemic has presented challenges and opportunities for retail owners to thrive by being creative and strategic in negotiation planning and execution. The first of two articles (November­December 2020 issue) focused on preparing for successful negotiations. This second article focuses on strategies for effective negotiation meetings. While this article focuses on negotiating with family business stakeholders, the strategies apply to all stakeholders in the retailing realm.


Published in the January/February 2021 issue of Shoe Retailing Today, Copyright © 2021, National Shoe Retailers Association, Tucson, AZ, All rights reserved.

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