"Phagocyte Growth and Survival in Silicone Microchambers" by Niecy Cameron and Fernando Ontiveros

Phagocyte Growth and Survival in Silicone Microchambers

Document Type

Poster Presentation

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The integration of cell culture chambers into microfluidics chips presents both challenges and opportunities for the development of next generation diagnostic and controlled release biodevices. Small sample volume, molecular specificity and threshold of detection are key considerations for the design of devices built to work with biological samples. Macrophages posses a large array of receptors with a high degree of sensitivity, which makes them capable of detecting low amounts of target molecules. Here we present an initial attempt to develop simple tissue culture microchambers amenable to integration with microfluidic devices. Mouse macrophages were cultured for several days in small volume, custom-made silicone chambers. Growth and cell viability were measured over time using standard techniques. Our results show that tissue culture of the test cells is a viable option, and we seek to integrate our chambers with more complex microfluidic networks.


Presented at the Rochester Academy of Science Fall Annual Scientific Paper Session at SUNY Brockport in Brockport, New York, on November 15, 2014.

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