Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Advanced Practice Nursing

First Supervisor

Christine Nelson-Tuttle

Second Supervisor

Heather MCCGrane


The literature findings demonstrate that patients with migraines have a significantly high incidence of ischemic stroke (Kurth, 2010). Migraine is a common neurological disease that is defined very poorly and is estimated to affect between 1 % and 10% of men and 3 % and 20% of women within the United States (Buring & Hennekens 1995). Decreasing migraine frequency and management of modifiable stroke and cardiovascular risk factors'-, such as hypertension, high cholesterol and smoking can help decrease risk of stroke occurrences (Tietjen, 2005). Therefore, to decrease stroke occurrence, it is imperative that staff nurses are educated on the importance of managing modifiable risk factors in patients with a history of migraine.

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