Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Advanced Practice Nursing

First Supervisor

Christine Nelson Tuttle

Second Supervisor

Heather McGrane Minton


Objective: Pediatric burns are costly and traumatic injuries; however, increased education may reduce the prevalence. The purpose of this study was to determine pediatric primary care providers’ awareness of the pervasiveness of pediatric burns and discern if specific education is done at office visits. Methods: Eighteen providers participated in an education session regarding pediatric burns and took a pre-test and post-test. Results were analyzed to determine if the education led to an increase in provider knowledge of burns as well as in increase in motivation to educate their patients. Results: The education session led to an increased awareness of burn causality, age group affected, and prevention strategies as well as an increased motivation to educate patients about burn prevention. Conclusion: Educating providers about burn prevention increases their knowledge of pediatric burns and their desire to provide burn prevention education. More research is needed to determine if education of primary care providers will result in a decrease in burn incidence.

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Nursing Commons
