"The Language of Texting" by Elizabeth Gorney


English Language and Literature


In lieu of an abstract, below is the first paragraph of the paper.

Because language is so intangible, changes over time are not only unavoidable, they also are common and expected. Language is not the same today as it was when it originated; it is not the same today as it was last week. Phrases become "so yesterday" and expressions from a hundred years ago have been entirely eliminated from our language. There are many reasons for changeculture, technology, events in history- but the most influential catalyst for change in today's era is technology. Things like email, texting, and Facebook have led to new words forming, new grammatical changes, and other modifications that are both subtle and noticeable. Technology could eventually help the language become easier to follow, growing similar to other languages, and stray away from the numerous irregularities that we all struggle to master. Language, though. Is constantly evolving with culture, and as technology becomes a larger and more influential part of our culture, it also becomes a larger and more influential part of the English language.

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