Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Advanced Practice Nursing

First Supervisor

Christine Nelson-Tuttle

Second Supervisor

Colleen Donegan


Purpose: The purpose of this research is to investigate the relationship of fatigue in nurses and to determine what factors influence the self-reported fatigue levels. Background and Significance: Shift work is comprised of working outside of the standard 7am to 7pm. Many institutions have a day, evening, and night rotation. Much of the problem with rotating shifts comes from not getting enough sleep or not getting consistent sleep. It is understood that shift work causes fatigue among all professions. Shift work has other adverse health effects. There is research to support a positive correlation between shift work and fatigue, multiple sclerosis, ischemic, stroke, and breast cancer. It is important for continued research to try and decrease fatigue related to shift work. Sample/Setting: The sample 64 nurses varying nursing experience. Each participant utilized a nursing degree and employed at a health care facility. The nurses were asked to complete a questionnaire on The nursing sample was obtained through snowball sampling via social media (Facebook). Methods: This evidence-based project will gather both qualitative and quantitative information. Data will be collected from questionnaires obtained through via Facebook and using the Swedish Occupation Fatigue Inventory. Implications: Fatigue affects many individuals who work shift work. Pearson correlation indicated - .417 between the SOFI and hours of sleep. This is a significant correlation to help identify one factor that influences nurse fatigue. More research must be completed to help decrease the negative affects fatigue has.

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