
Tying it all together

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

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STAT375, Data Analysis and Statistical Computing, serves as a capstone experience for the Data Science minor at St. John Fisher College (it also serves as a milepost for the Statistics major). This course ties together three strands of the data science minor: learning to learn, undertaking all aspects of a project, and connection to the discipline, and formalizes the idea of statistical computing. Each student chooses a project, typically connected to her/his discipline, to carry out during the semester and publicly present. The students are supported in their work through a combination of mini-lectures on various statistical and/or computing topics, individual consultation with the instructor, and judicious (and guided!) use of available online resources. These projects provide students an opportunity to solidify and demonstrate their skills, and the public presentations serve as a recruiting tool. Additionally, the course requires student work on ePortfolios, which provide both concrete examples of skills to potential employers and data for program assessment. Sample student work and comments about the course, along with the ePortfolio process, will be shown.


Presented at the 7th Annual Conference of the Upstate New York Chapters of the American Statistical Association in Rochester, New York, April 21, 2018.

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