If Mowat and Davis are correct, then teaching is hard: A Response to Elizabeth Mowat & Brent Davis
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In lieu of an abstract, below is the article's first paragraph.
Mowat & Davis (this issue) present a model of learning mathematics that relies heavily on ideas from network (or graph) theory. The important questions (to us, at least) concern the dynamics of the nodes and links. Answers – even tentative ones such as we present here – to these questions lead to a second set of questions concerning the implications of these answers to teachers and researchers.
Publication Information
Green, K. and Ricca, B. (2010). If Mowat and Davis are correct, then teaching is hard : A Response to Elizabeth Mowat & Brent Davis. Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 7(1): 63-69.
Copyright by the authors. The original article appeared at Complicity: An International Journal of Complexity and Education, 7(1): 63-69. http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/complicity/article/view/8840