Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Executive Leadership

First Supervisor

Michael Wischnowski

Second Supervisor

Diane Reed


Research has indicated that both technology use and cyber bullying behavior by teenagers are increasing. Despite the importance of the role of building-level school administrators in establishing climate and addressing violence, the research on cyber bullying to date has not included the perceptions of building-level school administrators. The purpose of this study was to examine the perceptions of building-level school administrators about cyber bullying, the factors that influenced their response to cyber bullying, and the measures they and their schools are taking in regard to prevention and intervention of cyber bullying. This study employed a sequential explanatory mixedmethods strategy, which began with a broad survey to obtain both quantitative and qualitative data. The next phase involved conducting detailed interviews to expand upon data gathered through the surveys. Results indicated that participants generally feel that cyber bullying is increasing among students under their supervision. Participants also reported using a variety of responses to intervene in incidents of cyber bullying, and that the response was int1uenced by the location where the cyber bullying occured. The majority of participants reported that they have not received training on cyber bullying, and that school policies are often inconsistent and unclear. Therefore, recommendations for schools include incorporating cyber bullying into existing bullying prevention efforts, with an initial emphasis on awareness training and policy development.

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