Content Posted in 2012
Acute Clinical Conditions of School-Aged Children in a Rural Kenyan Community, Nicolle A. Koester, Karen M. Parker, Vivian Cunningham, and Christine R. Birnie
ADHD as a Chronic Condition: Using the Chronic Care Model for Child Health for Improved Patient Outcomes for Adolescents and Transitioning Young Adults, Christine Nelson-Tuttle
Agendas, Arguments, and Political Theory, John D. Harman and Deborah Vanderbilt
Agendas, Arguments, and Political Theory, John D. Harman and Deborah Vanderbilt
A Microcosm of the Biomedical Research Experience for Upper-level Undergraduates, Daryl D. Hurd
A Novel Gβγ-Subunit Inhibitor Selectively Modulates μ-Opioid- Dependent Antinociception and Attenuates Acute Morphine-Induced Antinociceptive Tolerance and Dependence, Jennifer L. Mathews, Alan V. Smrcka, and Jean M. Bidlack
Anticoagulation Clinic Led by Experiential Education Team, Asim Abu-Baker
Arm Flexion, Arm Extension, and Motivational Responses to Feared Stimuli, Ryan Thibodeau, Michael J. Nordquist, and David M. Crouse
BEGIN Partnership: Using Problem-Based Learning to Teach Genetics & Bioethics, Dina G. Markowitz, Michael J. Dupre, Susan Holt, Shaw-Ree Chen, and Michael Wischnowski
Behavioural Responses of Blue Petrel Chicks (Halobaena Caerulea) to Food-Related and Novel Odours in a Simple Wind Tunnel, Gregory B. Cunningham, Richard W. Van Buskirk, Mark J. Hodges, Henri Weimerskirch, and Gabrielle A. Nevitt
Coherent Population Transfer via the Continuum, C. E. Carroll and Foek T. Hioe
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Course-Level Curriculum Map Pilot Program, Jane M. Souza, Jennifer Mathews, and Amy L. Parkhill
Critical Thinking in Consumer Behavior : Cases and Experiential Exercises, Judy Graham
Curriculum Innovation: Re-visioning Masters Capstone Options, Christine Nelson-Tuttle and Cynthia McCloskey
Developing an Evidence-Based Clinical Resource for Registered Nurses Serving on Medical Missions, Natalie A. Masco
Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Pharmaceutical Biotechnology Elective Course in Hybrid Format, Parag Budukh and Christine R. Birnie
Dichlorido-1κCl,3κCl-hexakis[1,1,2,2,3,3(η 5)-cyclopentadienyl]di-μ2- oxido-1:2κ 2O:O;2:3κ 2O:O-trizirconium(IV), Bradley M. Kraft and William W. Brennessel
Does the Approach/Avoidance Task Correlate with Other Measures of Approach/Avoidance Processes?, Ryan Thibodeau
Drag Reduction in Wave-Swept Macroalgae: Alternative Strategies and New Predictions, Patrick T. Martone, Laurie Kost, and Michael L. Boller
Driven 3-State Model and Its Analytic Solutions, C. E. Carroll and Foek T. Hioe
Effect of Education and Socioeconomic Status on Incidence of Diabetes and Hypertension in Pune, India, Christine R. Birnie, Kiara Manning, Kim Wilbert, and Alicia Habershaw
Evaluation of Student Performance Using Multiple Choice and Open-Ended Examination Questions in a Pharmacy Calculations Course., Christine R. Birnie and Parag Budukh
Formation of Shape-Preserving Pulses in a Nonlinear Adiabatically Integrable System, R. Grobe, Foek T. Hioe, and J. H. Eberly
Geriatric Content in U.S. Doctor of Pharmacy Degree Curricula, Sherry Jimenez
Implementing a Substances of Abuse Outreach Program in the Rochester City School District., R L. Jarbe, N M. Piette, Chirag Dave, Amy L. Parkhill, Melinda E. Lull, and Jennifer Mathews
Implementing WHO Hand Hygiene in a U.S. Pharmacy School, Jill Lavigne
Individual Differences in Need for Affect and Reactivity, Ryan Thibodeau and Kelsey Krueger
Individualized Reflective Learning Through Portfolio Use in Pharmacy School Education, Melinda E. Lull, Jennifer Mathews, C. R. Utter, and R. J. Bova
Lecture Podcasts--Supplement or Replacement for In-Class Lectures in Traditional Classroom Courses?, Parag Budukh and Christine R. Birnie
Liberty, Rights, and Will in Hobbes: A Response to David Van Mill, John D. Harman
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Matched Optical Solitary Waves for 3-Level and 5-Level Systems, Foek T. Hioe and R. Grobe
N Coupled Nonlinear Schrödinger Equations: Special Set and Applications to N=3, Foek T. Hioe
Obesity, Self-Complexity, and Compartmentalization: On the Implications of Obesity for Self-Concept Organization, Bruce E. Blaine and C. E. Johnson
Performance of an Inertially Coupled, 3-Mode Gravitational-Wave Antenna Prototype, Linda E. Marchese, Mark F. Bocko, Guizhen Zhang, and Munawar Karim
Personal Impact of a Service-Learning Medical Missions elective Course on Pharmacy Student's Attitudes and Values, Christine R. Birnie and Sherry Jimenez
Pharmacy-Student Outreach: Bridging the Gap from an Inner-City High School to Pharmacy School, Jennifer L. Mathews, Chirag Dave, Mohammad Mohammad, Gabriela Cipriano, Fang Zhao, and Brooke Lowry
Radio-Frequency Superconducting Parametric Transducer for Gravitational-Wave Antennae, M. A. Fisher, Mark F. Bocko, Linda E. Marchese, Guizhen Zhang, and Munawar Karim
Reflections on Building an Active State Association, Robert Heineman, Nancy McGlen, John D. Harman, and Lotte Feinberg
Relevancy=QSEN+Complete Baccalaureate Curriculum Redesign, Char M. Smith
Re-Seeing The Mighty: Critically Examining One Film's Representations of Disability in the English Classroom, Joellen Maples, Katrina Arndt, and Julia M. White
Responses to Weight Loss Treatment Among Obese Individuals with and without BED: A Matched-study Meta-analysis, Bruce E. Blaine and J. Rodman
Review of 'Contagious Holiness: Jesus' Meals with Sinners,' by Craig L. Blomberg, Linda MacCammon
Review of 'The Comical Doctrine: An Epistemology of New Testament Hermeneutics,' by Rosalind M. Selby, Linda MacCammon
Running the Good Race, Part 1: High Anxiety: Some Lessons For Graduate Students Entering the Profession, John D. Harman
Smoking Cessation Agents and Suicide, Jill E. Lavigne
Solitary Waves for N Coupled Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations, Foek T. Hioe
Student-led Learning in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Curriculum, Melinda E. Lull, Jennifer L. Mathews, E. C. Jannetta, and Christine R. Birnie
Student Success Tracking Pilot Program, Jane M. Souza and Richard O'Brocta
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The Design of a Sterile Product Laboratory Module as Preparation for an Institutional IPPE Course, Fang Zhao, Christine R. Birnie, Anthony Corigliano, Susan Hughes, John Loughner, and Stephen Valentine
"There Must Be Some Misunderstanding": Sir Edward Grey's Diplomacy of August 1, 1914, Stephen J. Valone
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Using Literature and Innovative Assessments to Ignite Interest and Cultivate Critical Thinking Skills in an Undergraduate Neuroscience Course, Eileen Lynd-Balta
Verbal Communication Improvement Workshop for Self-Identified P3 Pharmacy Students: A Model for a Successful Collaboration with a Communications Department, Asim Abu-Baker and Lauren Vicker
Wave Equation on Spherically Symmetric Lorentzian Metrics, Ashfaque H. Bokhari, Ahmad Y. Al-Dweik, A. H. Kara, and Munawar Karim