Date of Award/Publication


Document Type


Degree Name

M.S. in Advanced Practice Nursing

First Supervisor

Christine Nelson Tuttle

Second Supervisor

Heather McGrane Minton



Introduction: America continually struggles with a shortage of registered organ donors and a constant need of organs. To address this, future nurses should be taught about the need for organ donation in their studies, so that as nurses, they can help increase the number of registered organ donors in the country by educating patients about the value of organ donation.

Objective: To evaluate the effects of an educational intervention on undergraduate nursing students’ knowledge, perceptions, and the potential of them registering as organ donors.

Methods: Twenty eight undergraduate nursing students from a private college in central New York participated in this study. Education was presented through a PowerPoint and podcast. Data were collected through a pre- and post-test survey with a 5 point Likert Scale questionnaire via a system called Qualtrics. All analyses were conducted using Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS 24).

Results: Participants had a high baseline knowledge of organ donation facts with the mean pre-test score average of 87.5% (SD= 13.6%). After implementation of the educational intervention, nursing student’s knowledge increased as to 95.9% (SD= 8.4%). Post-intervention, participants were also more comfortable with talking to their patients and their family members about organ donation education.

Discussion: Nursing student’s knowledge increased with an educational intervention, it is recommended that these students receive this type of educational opportunity. Nursing students are the future nurse’s of America and it is essential that students have received all necessary education prior to graduating nursing school.

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Nursing Commons
